Sometimes you want a shortcut in/on the desktop launcher of your DE.
This is pretty simple, create a .desktop file with entry as shown below.
Remember, you must have the [Desktop Entry], Name, Exec, Type. If it is a script with some kind of interaction, select Terminal=True.
It can also be a good idea to select: Categories.
Here is my Unity.desktop file with the following content, adjust to whare your application/script and icon location:
[Desktop Entry] Version=0.0.0f0 Name=Unity Exec=/opt/Unity/Editor/Unity %F Exec=/opt/Unity/Editor/Unity %U Icon=/opt/Unity/unity-editor-icon.png Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=Development;IDE;Application; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/com.unity3d.kharma;
Next, if you want shortcut for current copy file to:
Or if you want it for all users, copy file to: