Convert files to Lightworks from Gnome Files

So working in lightworks can be a pain, if you use the wrong file format as inputfiles. Lightworks has a transcoding tool to import files, but this sometimes fails. To eliviate this problem, I have made a script, where you can right click on a media file, and it converts the file to more Lightworks digestable …

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Make a script for cleaning Google chrome, and set back to a predefined setup

So I wrote small this script, we needed it for our laptops at work, they have a single user account for simplicity. When our students sign in to, their username is keept, which makes it problematic for user other students to sign in if not cleaned from Chrome. This script restores chrome to default …

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Quickly set or change DNS via a bat-script

When running Windows and you want a quick way to change DNS server, you can use a simple script in a *.bat file. I have several DNS settings that I might want to use, depending if I the situation. Where the “Ethernet” is the name of my network card name, change this if necessary. When you want …

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